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 Carolyn's Herbal Apothecary

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Carolyn’s Herbal Apothecary:  Bridging the Past and Present

The need to blend ancestral medicine practices from different parts of the world, such as Zulu traditions, Ashanti traditions, Amazonian shamans, and other indigenous cultures, stems from the distinctive elements they include in their healing practices, rituals that distinguish and make them so effective. When adapted for a Western clientele, the teachings and practices need to be authentic, preserving the wisdom of the healer's lineage training and respecting their spiritual guidance and healing plants. Without this authenticity, a lack of respect for nature's elements impacts the  effectiveness; hence, respect for the lineage, tradition, and reverence for the culture will help bring about non-Western healing practices and teachings from all cultures into reality that is both genuine and beneficial to its recipients. Combining the Western model of natural medicine with techniques and perspectives from other cultures can create a stronger, collaborative medical system.

Practical Insight: In a time and world dealing with crises after crises, it is wise to shed light on the traditional medicine practices of the past and present that have long dealt with similar disasters in a rather humane and holistic manner. Potion makers, whether it stems from their lineage or from folk medicine, need to create a new modern-day apothecary that blends the unique and distinct elements of their ancestral medicine traditions with today's natural medicine culture.

Personal Reference: Aa descendant of Shamans from my grandmother’s ancestors and Ashanti traditions from my father’s ancestors; I bring the healing gift of herbal remedies which has been past along through generations of healers and practitioners in my family heritage. As an Alternative Medical Practitioner (AMP) I offer the spiritually influenced knowledge of healing to the practice of helping others find wellness of mind body and soul with God’s natural sources of herbal remedies.

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